Saturday, April 4, 2009

Major Wall?

I thought it appropriate to use my indecisiveness to choose a major for my wall metaphor (I'm really excited this class will move through metaphors as that is how my life navigates itself). My problem is that every new thing I learn, I want to latch onto and learn more about it, a product of my highly addictive personality. I'm pretty sure I know what I want to do with my life however in my goal career's specificity there are many elements that could be focused on. I want to talk individually with people in groups that are systematically or culturally oppressed (prisoners, pregnant teens, gang members), hear their individual stories and write essentially ethnographies. My goal in this is to present them as individuals so that readers can see persons in these groups as individuals with stories and not reckless mishaps as most of America does (and also to give these people someone who just wants to listen to them). Because I want to write, the obvious choice might be to major in English however I feel that writing is an art and art can be argued to be anything; I'd rather know my subject. The three majors dancing above my head have been at least constant this whole year: Anthropology, Sociology, and CHID. There are also two minors I am highly married to: Astronomy and Dance. But the list continues to be added to.

Finding a suitable and enjoyable major is my wall and I am in no rush to hurtle it. I'm only a freshman and I'm really enjoying grazing with no immediate direction. It makes me more open to ideas and subjects (however thus making my decision infinitely more difficult). I'll figure it out. And if I don't, I'll simply pick one out of a hat.

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